Impressions after Fedora Test Day for JBoss Application Server

Yesterday we had JBoss AS Test Day. Since the early morning hours we received help with testing the RPM packaged JBoss AS.

And what’s the general impression?

It works!

Almost all test cases we prepared were successfully finished by our community members. We found one issue with not preserving the permission on files when adding new users to JBoss AS management interface. I’ve created a fix for that and sent a pull request. Expect to have it fixed in jboss-as-7.1.0-4 package.

Other than that - we haven’t found any issues with running AS7 on Fedora. Which is obviously good. But if you find some, please report them imemdiately as we want to have a great platform for developers.

Please note that the shipped AS is not a full AS7 you can download from the website. It is a web profile, but lacking the JPA2 implementation. We’re working really hard on extending it.

Thanks to all testers for a good job!

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