In Fedora when you run virt-manager
you’ll be asked for your password. Since I use this tool a lot I would like to have a password-less virt-manager.
Thank Jebus we have polkit where we can define authentication rules. There was a handy rule available written by Rich, but it stopped to work with the release of Fedora 18 because polkit changed completely the language used in rules files. Since polkit-0.106
the new rules files are written in JavaScript. Yes, JavaScript. More info about the choice you can find on David’s blog post.
To access virt-manager
without entering password, just a create a file named /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/80-libvirt-manage.rules
(or similar) with following content:
polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) { if ( == "org.libvirt.unix.manage" && subject.local && && subject.isInGroup("wheel")) { return polkit.Result.YES; } });
Remember to add your user to the wheel
usermod -a -G wheel goldmann
That’s all, enjoy!